This is the build that will be available as default. Opt-Out – This is the main public build of rFactor 2, without any beta branches or additional early updates applied. We now have three separate branches of rFactor 2 for players to select, and depending on your individual requirements you may have a preference for the particular build you wish to use when launching rFactor 2. These changes have offered us the opportunity to further improve this aspect of the software and produce what we believe is a far superior way of representing raindrops on windscreens – adding what we believe is a much enhanced visual experience. Other changes that form part of this latest Release Candidate include some further refinements to our graphics engine, with particular attention paid to the way rain is presented on car windshields and subtle but immersive improvements to glare and lighting situations. We have extensively tested these new driver labels to ensure they offer the best solution between clarity and visual effect, without compromising the view of the driver and ensure the labels appear and disappear at an appropriate distance from the player car. The new build deployed today sees a return of a much-requested feature by our sim racing community here at rFactor 2, driver labels! We at the studio resolved to review and improve how these labels are shown in the simulation with this new update, and I’m sure you will agree the new design is far more appealing visually than before, with the added bonus of new functionality introduced that now finally shows any in session penalties applied to the driver. Today we are pleased to deploy a new Release Candidate update for rFactor 2!